Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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IDE-fix '97 Registration information
Important! Read carefully! You tried the demonstration version of IDE-fix
`97. Congratulations! Now the trouble with your IDE port is over! How to
get a full registered version and a keycode? No Problem!
1. Send a letter, fax or e-mail with the following details: Your full
name; your postal address; name of your Company and/or e-mail Address (if
applicable) and the type of registration (see below). IMPORTANT! These
details MUST be complete! Please use the attached form.
2. You will get a keycode via letter, fax or e-mail. Please tell us, which
way you would prefer. Please enter your name and this keycode in the
IDE-fix `97 registration tool.
3. Payment, prices:
Registration type Price
New IDE-fix `97 customer 60,00 DM
Update for IDE-fix
(previous versions of the blue IDE-fix disk
incl. OEM, e.g. Randy ROM, Winner, AlfaQuattro) 25,00 DM
Update for CacheCDFS (incl. OEM, e.g. Tandem, EasyCD) 30,00 DM
Please select the version which matches your needs (and please, don't
cheat!) and transfer the amount to Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl.
If you regsiter IDE-fix '97, you agree to the license agreement.
You have these payment methods:
If you live in Germany
* Credit card (ONLY Eurocard/Mastercard or VISA-Card!) We need the credit
card number, valid from / through, name of cardholder. Sending this
sensible information via e-mail is at your own risk. You can use a simple
letter or a fax. (Fax: +49-89-74371135)
* Bank transfer to our account: Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl Am Westpark
5, 81373 München, Germany. Account. No.: 522 457, BLZ 700 901 00, Hausbank
* Cheque drawn to Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl, Am Westpark 5, 81373
München, Germany.
* Envelope with the money. Do this at your own risk.
If you don't live in Germany
* Credit card (ONLY Eurocard/Mastercard or VISA-Card!) We need the credit
card number, valid from / through, name of cardholder. Sending this
sensible information via e-mail is at your own risk. You can use a simple
letter or a fax.
* Envelope with the money. Do this at your own risk.
* We only accept German currency (DM).
* We do not accept money transfer or cheques outside of Germany. If you
don't live in Germany, you must send us the money (in DM!!!) in an
envelope or pay with credit card (Master/Visa).
* Only if your order is complete AND we have received the payment in full,
your order will be processed.
* We don't misuse any of your personal information. However, your name and
address will be stored in a database to keep you informed about new
products or updates.
IDE-fix '97 Registration form
Yes, I want to order an IDE-fix '97 keycode and I agree to the end-user
license agreement.
IDE-fix '97 - Version 1.0
Price Total
New IDE-fix '97 customer DM 60,- ______
Update from previous IDE-fix versions
on blue IDE-fix disc DM 25,- ______
Update from CacheCDFS or OEM
Versions ( TandemCD, EasyCD ) DM 30,- ______
Total Payment: _______
Payment Method (Cheque, Money Transfer, Master, VISA): ____________
IMPORTANT: Cheque & Money Transfer only within Germany!
Name: ______________________________________Date:__________________
Company: __________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________
Country: __________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Hardware configuration: ___________________________________________
Credit Card #: ___________________________Valid from/thru:_________
Name & Address of cardholder: _____________________________________
Comments: _________________________________________________________
You can contact the author of this software at...
Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl
Am Westpark 5
81373 München
Phone: ++49-89-7603916
FAX : ++49-89-74371135